Which is supposed to be this...
"Have snack time without the mess! This innovative little cup makes it easier than ever for your toddler to feed their self, and puts an end to little pieces of food all over the floor!" (proclaimed by: Simply Good Stuff)

But it isn't this because my floor looks like this:
And my son's toe looks like this:
And, while I was laughing and taking pictures at my son's toe, I totally forgot that I was in the middle of changing my other son, who currently does not have a diaper on, and I am just sure he is now sitting in a puddle of pee somewhere!
AND, was I right? .....
So, because of this:
Which is supposed to be this:

My floor also looks like this:
In conclusion, "Have snack time without the mess! This innovative little cup makes it easier than ever for your toddler to feed their self, and puts an end to little pieces of food all over the floor!"
To add, after I scoop my son off the pee puddle floor to clean him off, my other son, who had the Kix in his toe that orginally distracted me, slipped on the Kix littered floor and hit his head! So, now I have one diaperless baby and one wailing.
I sit on the floor, comforting 1 baby in my right arm and diapering the other in my left arm. Oh, I have become GOOD at multitasking! When the wailing calms down and the diaper, pants, socks are on, I am able to clean the pee, the Kix and document my findings on what a crock the "Snack Trap" is with my iPhone.
Off to the store to gather ingredients for my sweet treats!!
(As a disclaimer. I did not buy my Snack Trap from Simply Good Stuff. I am sure theirs work just fine. Mine came from Target, Munchkin Brand. I will still use it. It really is great for on the go!)
I highly recommend the original Snack Trap b/c the lid is a bit more flexible/pliable and more resistant to letting things escape. I've tested it with things like scrambled eggs, Cheerios, marshmallows, Goldfish, Cheezits, chopped spaghetti, etc... Unfortunately, it doesn't do a good job of holding in crumbs, like the ones you get from oh, say, Life cereal. In that case, be prepared to find a giant pile of Life cereal shavings in the toilet or a trail of it from your kitchen to the dogs crate.
ReplyDeleteBTW, totally impressed with your multi-tasking skills!
Nice blog you hhave